showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
The Pirates of Dark Water Hanna-Barbera;Sunsoft (SunSoft)1994[media=youtube][/media]***Go on quest to save the world in THE PIRATES OF DARK WATER. Take control of one of three characters, each with unique abilities. You will have to fight bands of pirates that attack from every direction. However, you will need to stay alert to avoid the earthquakes and pools of dark water that can end your adventure. If the journey becomes too tough, have a friend help you out. While you're playing, huge character designs bring all of the action to life. Save the planet from THE PIRATES OF DARK WATER.***
Eye of the Beholder  Capcom Entertainment;SSI;TSR (Capcom Entertainment)1994 labelimageminimize